In this, pretty long foot video, Dixie and I have a fun little girls day of crushing everything we can think of, with our feet! We use all different foods, consistencies and we are playing with the camera and having fun closing in on each time we try a new food on top of what we have already squished between our toes, stomped, rubbed on each others bare feet, basically anything you can do with just your feet, we did!
We really wanted to try different stuff and add loads of different feels to the bottoms, the tops, the soles, and in between our toes! We wanted a variety of feels, smells, sounds! something for all our senses! all together we used: in the order of use

canned peaches-lovely smell, awesome for squishing between toes
tortilla chips: great crunch, really lovely to mix with peaches and make them soft and smaller

canned peas: really fun to pop with your toes and soles! really nice rolling feel on your soles as well when you play with them gently and roll them on the top of your feet... mush up really nice with the other mess as well! feels really great to find a spare one to pop after mixing! krispy kreme donuts-unfilled- but the icing and the doughy mixture made it awesome to stomp into oblivion with the rest of the mess and get it back to its naturally, super doughy state! really fun to tear apart with your toes! filled ravioli! really cool. easy to break open and squish the inside of the pasta out of the shell... which made for a nice texture of very smooth pasta that would cling to your feet! we had a lot of fun playing with these hanging from our toes.
canned pears: very welcome! squishy, sticky syrup... awesome to add to our pile of mix that was starting to become like a soup of substance! very fun to squish! smelled amazing! brown banana still intact- my favorite. we stepped on this banana while the skin was still intact and watched the skin bust open under our feet, the smell of banana fill our nostrils and the soft, waaayyy to ripe banana squeeze between our feet and out of the peel like a snake it was so mushy! the pressure busted the peel open just enough for the insides to snake out and cover our feet! it was one of my better ideas! you have to see it! so great! popcorn- that was a crazy feel on top of all this stuff we had squished. it was crunchy but not for long... but it added a gritty feeling to our mix we had already created
canned sardines: smell-putrid. feel? wow! really very soft! squished between our toes and was actually a lovely feel! who knew? beans: same as peas only mushier! A fully loaded pizza! that was sad

but the extra cheese made it super fun to jump on, squish and try to mess into oblivion! all the toppings went all over our feet and we tore it apart with our feet!