This mess was nuts! Sitting, face planting, pies, chocolate syrup to make a giant pile of goop to cum in! Super long video of me playing in each cake, taking each pie and making sure you are doing this with me! My cake falls? total fails. I mean I land them like crazy but the icing was a fail. New kind. never again! So, i decided to make up for that... I went full blown crazy in this mess! sitting on cakes, pieing myself with dreamy, amazing coverage cool whip pies, 6 giant sheet, two tier cakes with hot pink frosting, 20 pies, and loads of chocolate syrup... I played and sat and dove, and face planted and rolled around so much in all this mess? while telling you what to do with me? That I ended up making this chunky looking but smooth chocolate substance that was amazing on my body! Making mess angels the mess went so crazy! i fill my panties, i fill my bra, i eat pie, i eat cake... i pie my face, my pussy, my ass... I sit on so many pies and pie my face! i sit on cakes in every way possible... i really wanted to make up for that icing sucking so bad! haha! (sams pre colored frosting dont ever buy it in bulk!) I pulled out my teal vibrator and got myself off in this amazing coverage. I had to. It was necessary. It looked so rad and felt so good. The consistency was insane! You have to see this super long and super fun interactive video (get your supplies!) and lets see how long you last with me! I roll like a pig in mud in this crazy mess. The last 10 minutes or so I am doing a lot of feet stuff, rolling, bouncing my ass in it, making angles, doing yoga poses, legs over my head... after I get myself to cum I am just going balls to the walls! The generated grabs are me moving around a lot
I really kept the fun going! I did not want to get out!