Kaydens and myself get completely stuck to the couch with melted gummis and mallows, in our tights! It is so sticky, we are completely stuck, the tights are sticking to themselves, we are sticking to ourselves! As it begins to cool quickly, we are making webs of sticky all around us! We struggle to get ourselves unstuck but still manage to play in some more melted mallows and give eachother kisses with a face full of mallows and we string from eachother. It tugs on our bodies and we are grunting and squealing trying to get unstuck...it is pulling the tights off our bodies! The pulling and tugging on our bodies is crazy but we grunt and pull and I manage, after some serious effort, to get my tights off! Her tights are so stuck, she cant get them off! So we put some more mallow on my ass and I have a seat and get myself stuck on the couch again! The tugging on my ass was also on my pussy too...it was a "hurt so good" type of feeling. Making all those awesome webs and us giggling, struggling and being so stuck and trying SO hard to get unstuck was really fun and tough! We have had so much fun feeling eachothers tits and watching the sticky string off my big titties and watching it string off her petite and sweet body...we are having a hard time getting unstuck...but we have been feeling eachother up and creating so many awesome webs...it is becoming a sticky game but I felt like i was getting a workout! woooo!
we make our way to the shower where I have made a blue substance and a pink substance that is made of some super sticky syrup that i dump all over kaydens, who is still covered in sticky mallows with this to top it off! it is so heavy and cold bc the colder it is, the thicker it is and we wanted it thicky and sticky! We are loving the heavy feel and i want it my turn! we feel eachother up and give eachother biggest hugs because it was our last scene before she had to leave me

we were slippery, sticky, awesome, messes! i sure did love hugging on her teeny little body