I trick Alice to be my plaster cast and create my greatest creation yet! I turn her into my fave easter candy! A peep! I then graffiti my own work! spraying and dumping paint all over my glorious, hot pink and sugar coated hot pink bunny peep because it is a crowning achievement. I'm so proud, nothing can top this creation! So, with me being the stuck up and malicious artist that I am? i spray and splatter paint all over my greatest, stickiest, thickest and brightest creation yet! It is glorious. Her muffled squeals from under the "plaster" aka the fluff mallow, after I have tricked her while I cover her whole body in this hot pink "plaster" she starts feeling warm... the whole time she is saying she feels like something is going on... that she feels it getting harder... warmer... its tingling her skin...
She is skeptical. I want to get my plaster cast on... i just treat her like she is bananas and is crazy! Why on earth would I do anything other than what I said? make my plaster cast of her beautiful body! It took me a while to "plaster" her gorgeous bush... but i got the job done

hahahhahahhah. pretty sure this is one of the most maniacal of me you have ever seen. "girl you are just crazy" "you have lost your marbles" I keep telling her as she grows more and more concerned about the feel of it. Finally? i get to her gorgeous face and cover it. Once covered? and she is stuck? I reveal to her what I have been doing while ho humming and jumping with glee at how amazing my project has turned out! in the end, I am so pleased with my project I am laughing, she is muffled under the fluff and I decide to graffiti my own work of art, one of my best pieces ever, with paint! I spray, splatter and gunge her with paint! it is a crowning work of art! I then leave her bc I have other things to do while she muffles under the mess

Alice's and my acting skills in this, I feel like really bring this whole scene to life. Her reactions and her acting throughout and never stopping really, really brought this to life. Her southern drawl and her damsel in distress is so perfect and somehow... I played this maniacal character of "ho hum... you are just another crazy girl with crazy ideas" and then laughed adn jumped up and down with glee at her demise! I really think you will love the dynamic!