Jenna says she wants to make a cast of me... I am tricked and she turns me into a real life statue! I cant move! Head to toe, top to bottom! So, Jenna is an artist and asks me to be her canvas to make a statue mold, that she will eventually just cast and take off me when she is done... I am nervous but willing to help out afriend! A new experience! Jenna starts from bottom and works her way up... by the time she gets to my hips I can feel the substance start to tingle and get really warm. I start to get nervous and I am telling her all the things im feeling and she assures me this is totally normal, just part of the process! She is slathering this thick, gooey, white substance on my body and starts up my stomach and back and it gets a little difficult to move around and i start to realize my feet and legs wont move much... I let her know but she assures me again, it is alllll totally normal, and I believe her, thinking this is a new thing and part of it! She starts to get up my chest and now I am really concerned but I am having a hard time saying so... she just keeps calmly assuring me to stay still and let the stuff work its magic! She finally get to me fully covered except my head and then grabs huge hand fulls and totally encases my head! IM stuck! im completely covered, head to toe, I cannot move and I am a statue! She finally laughs, looks back at her work, adding globs of substance here and there, all while laughing about how great of a "statue" i am! A statue?! I was just supposed to make a cast! She laughs maniacally as if she has done this before and walks off and leaves me there as I am scanned over, no movement at all, completely covered and made a statue! lots of super crazy close ups of the process! Lots of panning of the body and face and all for long periods of time completely encased

Please note: This is not real. This is wam foreplay fun and no one was harmed during this. I can just hold my breath for an exceedingly long amount of time

thank you