This Speedo one piece swimsuit held so much mess! It was perfect! I pulled out my dildo at the end to move my swimsuit to the side and push mess out all over it while I fucked myself silly! That mess up against my body so tight for so long? pouring mess over and over again? I was so turned on by the end of it? it was over! I came so hard! The first fun part, the beginning was watching this amazing suit in action and the substances I chose. Which ones worked best for the suit to hold! I tried tapioca pudding, which was incredible! Did not budge! my suit was full of an entire can! Then regular vanilla pudding, which started to move it a bit...
I filled the front with pudding and the back... the front held much better than the back but the back, even holding a little less? looked awesome when i squeezed out the mess. I kept on pushing and pulling my suit to fill it back up again and again! i used pudding (5 gallons in separate cans), 16 pies, which i held my suit open, pied my face and then pushed it down into my suit (good filler!) 3 gallons of chocolate oats (great fillers!) and chocolate syrup (felt amazing but was not the best filler. yummy topper

okay, so by the end of this crazy filling... my suit getting huge with mess and filled then pushing and pulling the mess out all underneath me. I have this gloop. it is amazing! It is just gloopy, gloppy and sloppy glop. it was fantastic! once I get out my dildo and pull my suit to the side? its on. I am loving the tingle, the warm, the cool all mixed together... I'm fucking myself hard with this long dildo. I pull out just my tits and keep going! Then I have you fuck me from behind and I grab my suit and squeeze out mess all over your cock while you are fucking me! holy shit! that is what got me there! I end with showing off the crazy mess. taking off my suit and playing in the gloop! This was, by far, my craziest swimsuit filling and I loved every single second! Shot by the amazing camera woman, ariel andrews so you know you got the good stuff! it was really hard to get the screen grabs under 24 bc this long and really well shot video is the tits! enjoy!