Jayce has come up with a new substance. The best way to describe it is... incredible. Really, It is like slime but much slower of a pour, much thicker and the staying power is amazing. it coats you with each layer and once the next layer comes, they just go one over the other! it is amazing! Jayce is wearing a cutsie tight little tank and polka dot panties and begins to dig in! Every bucket she pours over her head and the camera follows it down her body, watching it like a big snail slowly trickle and fall and twiist down it, sticking to everything in its path and leaving a trail of color. She begins to start filling the bathtub with each pour, and each time it is just as good as the time before because it is just layering on top of the thick that came before. The colors are amazing, 9 different colors to complete it. She also dares to dare and head dunks in two different colors of the goo

Jayce cannot go without head dunking into a bucket! Just wouldn't be right but she sinks her head in, all the access runs slowly down the sides of the bucket and she pulls her head out, holding on to the bucket for dear life because the suction about got her head stuck!
What it created was another beautiful coating on Jayce's face and the feeling of pure bliss of being completely "inside" the substance, face first!

Once all buckets are poured, of course Jayce plays in all the mess, hugging it, showing you its power. It is beautiful, dirty, messy, sticky but very moveable, it is incredible! There were times Jayce poured it down her face and had to make a hole so she could breathe! Surprisingly, it is easy to clean up, but seems like it is not. It is wonderful! I can't wait for you to see how it works!

you will be in heaven as i was! This video has an over 23 minute running time! You will enjoy this video just as much as she did making it! Filmed by none other than Wammer Zeit Produktions!