A ridiculous amount of honey mixed with all white ballet suit, stripped down to just shiny hose? Playing with myself in alllll this thick, sticky mess around me? yeah, it was dream come true! It was thick and goopy and gloppy and I had someone to pour it on me so I could savor the flavor of my tutu getting trashed, my leotard going see-through once the golden would thin out after i rubbed all over my outfit, soaking it heavily. Feeling the weight all around me, all over my body. Just rolling in it. Not a care in the world waiting for the next huge load to drop on me, covering me in beautiful amber goodness, thick as you like and perfect. Coating every spot of me it could until i decided to strip down to nothing but my super shiny high shine denier hosiery and make sure they got a good filling and were totally soaked. Then, i could really get to it... play with myself, pull down my pantyhose just enough to bend over and show my ass and pussy get covered in tons of honey from above... I get so horny, I am rolling in the thickness. My hair is following me but sticking to my body, my back, the floor in this amazing flow that is not uncomfortable. Its a perfect tug of hair while i move. I start to crawl and let my body loose on the slippery below me, licking the honey as I make my body down slowly starting head first diving onto the floor. over and over...
Then i get in the thick of it and start to roll around, on my stomach and reach down to pull my pantyhose down just past my ass to reach my pussy and play while im writhing in this gorgeous, glowing mess and more gets poured on me! just what i needed! for you feet in pantyhose fans, there is a lot of it

"Its fun, isnt it?"