My absolute favorite mud I have ever played in, to date! Boots and Bikini to nude in true Kentucky style, deep sinking, bouncing, smooth with a nickelodeon slime chunky feel, Kentucky River creek mud! Amazing scenery all around me as I hike about a mile down this creek to find the perfect spot to fit myself into and play! Two spots right beside each other with you right over me... in POV style at first... you, between my legs watching me cover my bikini, and boots in mud and play, backwards head dunk, running your hands down my body until you "convince" me to take off my bikini to show off my clean tits before I get them completely submerged again to cover me. I rub my pussy and squeal, moan and laugh with the most insane delight. I hump the bouncy and deep mud over and over. I dive, dunk and pleasure myself while in total awe of this amazing muck like I have never played in before! mouthfuls of mud, playing with my pussy, my ass, your hands down my body... humping the mud... diving, dunking over and over! Stripping down... this mud was so glorious! I am so stoked for you all to see it in all its glory! Kentucky breeds the best mud and I guess? The girls who love it! ha! cum play with me! This is, by far, the coolest mud yet! I am in total awe and I hope I can make that insane hike, down that creek, again! Story to come! The hike was insane to get there and this was not a custom. This was a "hey lets find some mud" day... we did. I was so grateful for such an amazing find! Blood, sweat and tears for my joy! ahhhhh the mud! Two Files to choose from.

Both the same video, one is just a wee bit higher res. and above a gig

worth it! Weekend price up now till monday!