Be my camera man! I test my hunters, soak my clothes, cut them off and get lewd in sinking deep mud! I love putting on a show for you and letting you watch me get filthy, fun, sinking and submerging in this amazing mud... first? I just wanted to see how my bright yellow hunters would hold up! But I brought scissors in case I fell in this mucky, sticky and super deep mud... to cut off my heavy clothes to be able to climb out of the creek walls! I went sloow.

Once I start getting naked and looooving the sound of my ripping clothes? It starts making me feel some type of way... the way it made me feel? hella horny! I wanted to put on a show for you! So, while I see you over me? I make sure to do just that! I make sure to show you how deep this mud really is! I make sure to show you how much I love it. I hump this mud, I masturbate in the mud... I can see you touching youself... so I make sure to make it even more sexy for you! I dive deep and submerge in this amazingly perfect mud. Thick, creamy but chunky awesomeness... I bounce my pussy, clit and asshole on the top of the bouyant mud to get myself off! Wow! I roll over and backwards dive my head into the mud... piling mound after mound on top of my head... where you an only see my mouth hole to breathe. I pull my legs up to my face, straight legged, so you can see my mud covered pussy in my yoga position! mud yoga! You finally end up between my legs, filming me... and you pan up and down me as I dunk, dive, submerge and get the coolest shots of me covered and sunk in this deep and thick Kentucky Creek mud! It was sad I got stuck in my hunters... but I came prepared with scissors for my clothes and what an amazing day it turned out to be! I'm so glad I went out for this day! It was not a custom, I just really wanted to see how the mud was... what better way? Than to test my hunters in it? Ready for some erotic play! super difficult to pick out a good picture out of generated screen grabs! So many! Make sure you take a good look at them, the shadow of you? Does not cover me... it shows me getting nasty just for you!

on some parts. I really wanted to play for you! I find this one super special because we went through hell to get down there that day, even more so than usual. We had no customs but we wanted to get in that mud again so badly! I carried those damn hunters down and back up that crazy giant wall and the slope above the wall of nothing but overgrown stuff. Where I got poision ivy! almost healed! So worth it. I did all of this, almost lost a damn arm going back up and rushed after a rinse off in the river to teach 3 pole classes back to back... and I was okay! The rush of adrenaline had me on fire! I really loved the mud. The play, how we shot this... how "you" played into it with me. I find it very special

enjoy! intro weekend price for this week/weekend only! make sure to grab it! 9-28-2021-10-4-2021! thank you all for loving my mud content!