These gals were dumb enough to borrow dresses from me on a messy day at the Hom. Intrigued by the huge pool of slop? I push them in! They are so grossed out and so mad! Their dresses getting totally trashed! They squeal that they had somewhere to go but? Who on Earth comes into the house of mess-on a day where we used over 50 gallons of savory and sweet mess in this giant pool and then? Goes over to it? All dressed up to see what it is? Of course I'm going to throw them in! They wriggle and writhe in it... and start a little bit of wrestling in this disgusting slop! Mel seems to want to get at Nikko and trash her so? She goes to grab at her while Nikko tries to hide under the table in all the mess where the mess had been sitting on before it was all used. Mel grabs her legs and pulls her out and they both slip and slide in this nasty smelling goo! They end up going tit for tat. Grabbing armfuls of mess to mess the other up. PUshing each others faces into the slop...
They are still so grossed out... but they both make mention of how nasty it is but they just wanna keep playing! Their dresses become completely saturated in this gory goo... so? Nikkos dress is so heavy it is starting to slip off her anyway... So? She starts to undress and decides that Mel is already fucked up her dress beyond repair too. So? She helps her get hers off. The dresses slide off them with a plop into the slop. From then on? Its girls and goo. Slipping and sliding on their backs and bellies-covering each others tits, ass and especially dumping loads on each others faces as they squeal and laugh at just how incredibly gross it is! Nikkos infectious laugh will have you wondering if you are turned on by how hot she looks in the mess or if you wanna laugh along with her! Mels open handed reactions with her "eeewwwww oh god Gross" realistic reactions had me laughing and catching myself completely turned on by the cute and charismatic demeanor that she has as well. They soak their hair and they keep talking about "chunks" of food they keep feeling in the mess and making these hilarious and sexy laughs out loud followed by some moaning when pulling more mess over their own bodies and each others. Making hearts on the mess covering them and climbing on each other, talking about how bad they stink but still playing with a chemistry that cannot be duplicated! I was filming and you can hear me actually say towards the end how they smell SO Bad! hah! (like quentin? I had to make my presence known somehow

haha) If you love seeing satin dresses totally trashed? Girls pushed into mess... over 50 gallons of mostly savory but some sweet mess all together in a soup? and our two most sexy, fun, funny and hot girls just swimming in this stanky stuff? With real deal reactions and getting nude in this rude concoction? It is a must see! I felt bad afterwards for pushing them in. I treated them to a shower. haha!