Brooklyn was the first to see my new fuck machine and begged to use it! I told her she could But-she had to let me dress and mess her while she did! Once she got here? I asked if we could record her... she agreed. So? I have had this video for a while...
She was so fucking hot in the Peanut butter and nutella-rubbing it all over herself non stop... loving the feel she had never felt before... and then? To be totally covered by me-gunged with the substances and then? To have this machine fuck her while I poured More of this beautiful mix of substances... to watch her not be able to stop touching herself... to see her love the machine and the pours I was giving her...
I later called her up and asked her if I could pay her to let me show it to you all! She was like "hell yeah!" because she had asked me for the video after I filmed it-for herself

This is the sexiest video -I had ever shot of miss brooklyn. (at that time

She was so into the mess, having it warm and poured over her over and over. She loved the texture, the weight, playing with it in her hair, trashing the outfit I got her to wear in it...
and she most certainly loved the machine! I gave her a surprise of more gungings while she was using it and that made it even better for her is what she told me. Just watching her play however she wanted to... letting the mess pour over her face and just sitting there... basking in it while rubbing all over her tits, ass and pussy. Bending over to let nutella be poured down her back and ass... squeezing her tits together and watching the mess pool up in between them. Laying back and lifting her ass up off the floor to look down at her body while she rubbed it all in... God! I was in love! Once the machine started and the pours kept pouring? I knew that Brooklyn wasnt just modeling mess... she was totally into all of it. Which made everything so much more intense just watching her. If you love pb and nutella (which who doesnt? ) you will love this "perfect pour over" of the substances. If you love a hot girl covered head to toe in it? and yes, she did a lot of feet play with her beautiful bare feet too... you will love it. If you love to see a girl try out a sex toy that is out of this world for the first time, covered head to toe in mess and then have more mess poured on them? You will love it. Plus? A shower scene at the end asking her about her first time with the substances and the machine

enjoy! I most certainly did!