Have you ever seen two girls from the bowels of Kentucky-do some real deal mud wrestling? Well? Now you can! Face sitting, kicking, throwing, face planting, name calling, hair pulling, tickling, titty twisting, charging, crazy, non stop, all around nuts! We dont play when it comes to solving a difference in the mud!
Brooklyn throws my favorite hat into my new, beautiful mud pit I built as a great idea for after yoga class relaxation! She thinks its dumb and proceeds to be a Bitch and throws in my favorite Obey hat that I had to search and search all over ebay for! So expensive and they dont make them anymore! All because she thinks my idea is bad? What is wrong with her? I think she is jealous of my idea!
I go to retrieve my hat and that asshole! She puts her foot on my ass and goes to kick me in- I save myself and go to yell at her-then? She kicks me again and this time I wasnt expecting it again! I went in face first! As she puts her stupid finger in my face after my insane reaction? I grab her by her bony arm and bring her ass in with me! From there? It is non stop! Name calling and wrestling every which way you can think of-then? Trying to stand up to fight more and face planting, falling back wards, falling on our sides and splashing into the mud! Then? Going at each other again! Once we "settle our differences" with this insane amount of wrestling? (bc Brooklyn finally gives in and says that the mud actually IS a good idea for girls to get in!) We start to have some fun with it. Rubbing on each other, twerking in the mud, going under, rubbing mud off each others bodies only to splash it back on. Laying in the sun and playing footsie

All in all? I got my workout in... then? I got to relax and play in my beautiful mud with a beautiful girl

Too bad she ruined my hat, my slouch socks, my favorite nikes, and my new yoga shorts! both our clothes? her converse, leggings and brand new sports bra? Totally gone! Funny story? I actually did, in real life, want to offer this mud pit for women to come and relax in (the dirt I ordered was really good stuff!) and she actually did say it was an idea... but no one would come. So? This story line came from that! ha! Enjoy this non stop, crazy, sexy, mud wrestling, face planting, tripping and falling, hilariously fun and super hot-good time! Please note that most screengrabs are during lots and lots of movement.