on a spinning pole I take pie hits to the face while doing tricks, spins, upside down then nude-pie sitting, rolling in the pies, splits onto pies, pussy pies, ass pies all the way to covered completely! This is the first but I feel wont be the last! It was so crazy to get pied doing something I love to do! I couldnt pull off all my coolest tricks but by god! I got some in there! The first pie hits were so intense... I was so nervous... anxious... Trying to get the right move to grab onto the pole and take the first pie. My heart was racing... my mind went blank... I just wanted those amazingly awesome whipped frosting and cool whip- no tin pies... in my face. I wanted it to look really astonishing... but then? I just climbed the best I could with the pole, my body and everything being slick as can be with pie! I left some parts in of us laughing and just losing it after the first pie! My adrenaline was pumping. I loved being able to fly and spin and have a pie just slam my face! I asked for it! Actually, more like demanded it! Once we got lots of pie hits to the face and a couple misses (lol left those in there because it was hilarious) Listen... it is hard to explain this video besides... I had some amazingly cool thrown pies... filled with whipped frosting and cool whip...
I stayed on the pole as long as I possibly could with all the pie mess all over me! Some insane hits...
Got to level myself over some beatiful, no tin pies and hang onto the pole and split onto them! Did that a few times! My legs were sliding all over the place with the pie mess beneath me! I then proceeded to roll around naked and give myself face pies, pussy pies and cover myself in pie mess all over! I cant explain how slick it was! HOnestly? I was more afraid of falling and slipping and sliding in the mess on my crash mats? then when I was on the pole! It was beautiful. I remember looking around at the splatter and thinking how majestic it looked, how the hell am I gonna clean it up? and... the usual... fuck it! I'm in this beautiful pie mess and man... how lucky am I? I hope to do this again one day with some hours to be able to wipe the pole and my body and see how many pies I can take on, not only my face? but my body while spinning! This was a challenge but the most fun and insane pie mess! I hope you love my hom production! This was all me and some nudging from messygirls, daryl, to give it a whirl! (see what I did there?) haha! I hope to get an outdoor pole and lyra hoop to do this outside next time! yes... there may be A next time! this was so incredibly fun, daring, messy, adrenaline rushing and sexy all wrapped in one kitchen! yes! my pole is in my kitchen! The house of mess!
there are lots of hits not pictured bc I can only use 24 screengrabs!

just fyi! enjoy the mess--enjoy the fun! what an experience. Help me do it again by purchasing! This was not a custom!