Love you, too
"Lots of sexy submerging and face planting."
Jayce just made the best mud video I've seen I love how she always has a cute smile on her face when she's fully covered in clay.
Mudicon20 5/1/20
 Love you, too
"Jayce has too much fun in the muck"
One of our favorite Midwest messy milfs goes at it again.
Jayce is dressed in some seductive clothes, while sitting by a muddy area. It was inevitable that she plays around in the slop.
The face plants alone are worth purchasing the video. They're amazing!
For the most part, the video is PG-13, for the first four minutes. After that, it gets nude and raunchy, and there's no problem with that. She even takes a bucket to gather some of the thick, creamy mud and fills it up, just to dump it onto her already slathered face. If you're into attractive women getting destroyed with mud, you can't go wrong with this one.
deadpool 12/2/18
 Love you, too
"Jayce says "Best mud in years.."...and yes it is."
Jayce doesn't disappoint in this fun little romp in the mud. The best mud in years she proclaims, and I tend to agree. The consistency is spot on, not to thick and not to thin. And just who doesn't love wondering around in a mud hole wearing lingerie, who?
This here is another Jayce and her House Of Mess classic!
hooter 11/7/18
 Love you, too
"I wanted to dive through my screen and into the mud with her."
How can you not love watching Jayce play in the mud? She wastes no time diving in headlong, and it's a treat to watch. The mud looks amazing and Jayce looks incredible in it. It's the perfect creamy texture, and there's plenty of faceplanting, diving, and bathing int it. I don't think it's possible to watch the mud coat and caress Jayce's gorgeous skin and not want to dive in with her. The only thing I would have added is a few dives and faceplants with her mouth open wide, but that may just be me (I can't get enough of seeing her spit out big mouthfuls of mud). Still, this scene is super hot and a ton of fun to watch. Definitely pick it up.
WritesNaughtyReviews 11/4/18