Jayce is decked out in super tight red pencil skirt, gold shimmery belt, and a blue halter top with white stars and all gold jewelry. She decides to coat herself in white icing, coating her face and hair and taking off her top. She then takes off her sweet, tight skirt to reveal her high waisted, cutsie panties perfect for filling! Jayce is now covered in white frosting and decides to coat herself in blueberry syrup, all over her face, hair and all down her body! She is then ready for pies! She starts off with a blueberry pie! She assumes the position and pies herself right in the pussy! She then grabs the cherry pie and pies herself right in the face after some anticipation play

and then grabs a traditional american pie and pies herself right in the bum! She then decides it is time to fill these perfect red panties with some red jello! The panties fill so well with all the jello and then she grabs a bucket full of custard and fills them the rest of the way in the back and the front! The panties sag from all the weight of all the mess and Jayce giggles from loving the feeling so much! she then bends over to reveal her ass to the camera and squishes it out of her panties and rubs it all in! Such a fun video, with such fun sweets! full coverage, full panty filling, not those regular panties, these are made for filling!

beautiful colors with beautiful foods! Jayce thoroughly enjoyed herself!