In my gold metallic bikini-I challenge you to do the same! I take buckets of colorful gunge, sprinkles hit-get nude and take ass pie and face pie! I take green, blue and pink gunge in huge amounts all over my itty bitty teeny weeny little metallic bikini! I challenge you and Mr. Gunge zone to do the same! I say "what is it people do? say? look up?" as I look up I am hit with green gunge down my face and body. After my reaction? I rub the yummy cake batter and smear it up and down my metallic suit tits and bottom... it feels super slimy and slick up against the slippery material. I love it. I beg for it again! I take down my hair and say "Okay! Well gunge me!"and I'm hit from the front with a bucket of blue slime chucked at my face and body! I mix the substance on my body then swipe it down my body and pull more up and use my hands to gunge my body and suit over and over!

I continue to talk about how it feels, how You are going to do it for me, and asking for my gunge! I then get a big bucket of pink gunge that looks incredible! Such a vibrant color! I then? Bring out a big jug of my own mix! A black, creamy mix of cake batter and dump it all over myself... head and face first... watching and feeling it like a slow moving waterfall down my body... it is amazing! Then? I start getting blasted with tons of sprinkles! I dont know what they are as my eyes are closed but it feels like I'm getting pied! I ask for it again and again bc it feels so fun and I'm loving it! Over and over I have tons of sprinkles thrown hard at my face! Super colorful and they bring the most awesome pop of color to the blacK i have just colored myself in batter! It just keeps coming! By this time I decide that is is high time to get nude bc "that is what we do in the house of mess" I show off my reverse bikini... my clean tits and pussy that were kept clean from the little bitty bikini which was a surprise to me! So? I show it off and revel in it before smearing the giant mess of batter below me over my tits and pussy. I talk about how it feels to sit in with my bare ass and pussy.
I turn around and show off my bare ass and gunge my ass with my own hands and rub it all in while showing off my ass and pussy which? The shape of it still shows under the batter mix

A sight to behold! I let you know I have some surprises for you left. I pull up a pie and turn around and pop my ass and pussy out to take the big, fluffy, creamy pie and pie my ass and pussy with it. I let out a sigh of relief like I had been waiting for that pie all my life! I then pull out a chocolate crusted pie with hot pink filling and cool whip on top and pie my face hard, until my head leans back and I face the front covered in pink, white and chocolate crusts all over me

I hope you enjoy the challenge! Buy the video so you know just what to do and ill score you! 1-10! Thank you loves!