In my black, full bodysuit? I venture this day... I had no idea the day would bring glorious deep mud and a peeping tom who went way beyond! haha! I still had My time in the mud and did what I wanted to do! No matter what I had to say to this stranger... and how he continued still... to watch me from the trees! The mud was like muck... it was full of mud turned black from dead leaves, chunks of mud, soooo deep and perfect. I was in absolute heaven. I had a body suit i was going to wear anyway... and per request of a friend? He wanted to see me fill it! Brilliant! So? I start off and this mud is already sucking me in... I have to yell for camera man to "go ahead and roll! I'm sinking!" So? Oh man, this spot was just amazingly deep. Great consistency. I was happy as hell to be filling my suit with the chunky mix of mud! smooth mud went down my suit and over my ass and pussy like the gods intended and I am squealing with absolute delight. I'm loving being able to float and dive into this mudbut I continue to fill my bodysuit to its maximum capacity! I cant believe how much it takes! I talk to you about how it feels and talk super dirty to you about what I want you to do to me in it

I then roll around and float myself on top of the mud to other spots and dig my feet in... get on my belly and take off my socks... I look up again and see that I am being watched! and filmed! Well? whats a gal to do, right? I'm having so much fun I dont wanna stop! So? I dunk head first down into the super deep, gloopy mud. I'm rolling and struggling to get around because my suit is so full! So? I'm ready to cut this thing and rip it off but alas... this guy is Still watching and filming me... so? I have to politely ask him if I can "please do this aloneits hard to do my "job" with him watching" I dont wanna tell him I'm doing this for pure joy and sexual excitement! So? He gets kinda upset and leaves... so we Think. I then proceed to rip the top of my suit off me, but the bottom half? My legs in the mud? are still full! I sit on the bank of this deep mud and fall backwards into the mud, the weight of my filled legs above me pushing me down further! It is insane looking! Then? I dunk and dive some more! Its so deep! I'm in absolute bliss! I lay back and grab my vibrator and starting dunking my ass and pussy in the mud, laying on my back, talking dirty to you! I hear something in the woods beside me... its that guy! He parked up the way and is now? Watching the whole show! I just continue on! I'm heaving and cumming hard in the mud... I get up naked and show off my body before diving and doing handstands, laying backwards and arching my back, showing my hard nipples while I go under and staying under with breath play! Then? Things get really steamy after I dive over and over and you pul out your dick for me... I crawl to you and give you a muddy, POV blowjob! Mouth and tongue covered in mud!